
Please allow up to 1 - 3 days processing and 6 - 9 days shipping time on all items. We will send you tracking information once your item has left our facility and is on its way to you!

If your order has not been shipped out yet we can definitely help you!

Please email help@jamshape.com and include:

  1. Your order number
  2. Name on the order
  3. Email the order was made with
  4. The new size you are requesting

You can change your shipping address if your item has not already shipped. If you would like to change your shipping address, email help@jamshape.com and include:

  1. Your order number
  2. Name on the order
  3. Email the order was made with
  4. Your request and new shipping address.  

Our amazing Customer Service Team will be happy to assist you and let you know if it’s possible.